
The evolution of rap music

Rap music
We think everyone must have a favourite list song that you heard everyday or when you on the way. Which is the type of musics that you like? For us, our favourite list song is rap music. Then today we want everyone to know my fav deeply. Some one used to listen but some one maybe dosen’t know about its evolution.Today we will talk shortly about era of rap music by we divided 3 eras.

         The first era which is the birth of  rap industry and make rap music well known name is “old school”

Musics in this era usually refer to lifestyle and culture of African American that were oppressed, used as a slave and have racial discrimination and rhythm quite slower than present like this song . And the owner of this sing is 2pac. He’s praise as a legend of this era.
The next one is the era that get hip hop music access to mass of people and were more accepted. We call this era is “new school”.

Musics in this era will change and depend on lifestyle but also similar old school but content will have more vulgar language and rhythm is faster than former time. In this era, my favourite singer is Eminem because he bring his real life into his songs such as “Mockingbird” in this song, he talk about his daughter. If you can’t imagin it’s like a Fucking Hero that you well known. He also talk about Chujai,his daughter in his song the same.

         And the last is the era in present. This era is talk about lifestyle less than the pass but mostly boast about their group or gang  or themselves instead.

Musics will focus on rhythm more than content. And stress with fun and dancing. Like a ‘Dab’ that you saw in social but in fact it’s come from rap song. Personally I like “Gucci Gang” by Lil pump.
         All of this, there is our passion so we would like to share and show you to see charm of rap music that why it’s popular and can alive for long time until today. And you? Are you like it more?



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